Social Events
Opening and Public talk
Don’t miss the opening of the ISAZ meeting!
When? July 19, at 6pm.
Where? Biocenter, UZAI, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna
This will be an enjoyable event with public talks by two founding fathers of Human-Animal Interaction Research, James Serpell (University of Pennsylvania): “Humans and animals in society, past and present” and Ben Hart (University of California, Davis): “Pets and Our Responsibilities: Perspectives on Neutering and Living Together.” This evening is open to the public and free for everyone.
This impulse plenary talks are followed by a networking get-together with enjoyable snacks (where, if not in Vienna?) and Austrian wine.
On site congress registration will be open from 5pm.
ISAZ Conference Dinner for All Delegates
The Conference Dinner will be at a traditional Austrian wine tavern, a so called “Heuriger” (Schübl-Auer in Nussdorf, a wine farmer selling his wine and self-made food at his farm; many of them in the Vienna periphery). Included in the conference fee.
When? This event will be on the 20th of July at 7:30pm
Where? Kahlenberger Straße 22, 1190 Vienna – Nußdorf
On 23th July there will be the possibility to visit the Clever Dog Lab and Wolf Science Center. Both together cost 30 Euros and have to be paid on location. The plan is that in the morning we first visit the CDL and look at their facilities and work (2 hours, approx. 10-12am), then there will be a transfer to Ernstbrunn (45km N of Vienna) where you get a guided tour of the facilities and see some dogs and wolves at work (approx. 1-3pm). We may drop in at one of the many Heurigen in the area on our way back to Vienna.
The Clever Dog Lab
The Clever Dog Lab is located at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. Since pet dogs live in the human environment and share our homes and offices with us, the 5 test rooms at the Dog Lab are comparable to their natural environment. The dogs’ problem solving abilities can be tested in a familar setting with their owners nearby, while the camera system of each room allows us to observe and record the dogs’ behaviour. There is also special equipment, such as two different touch screens, a projection and a sound replaying systems as well as an eye-tracker, that allow for displaying carefully designed visual and acoustic stimuli for the dogs and for recording certain details of their behaviour. No dogs are kept in the Dog Lab. Pet dogs and their owners visit from Vienna and also more distant regions.
The Wolf Science Center
The Wolf Science Center in the Wildpark Ernstbrunn (game park) was founded 2008 to investigate the common characteristics shared by wolf, dog and man. Our wolves and dogs are hand raised and kept in the same way by scientists and trainers take part in regular experimental tasks (brain jogging) to investigate their cooperative and cognitive abilities. WSC staff maintains a close and mutually satisfying relationship, allowing to explore the cognitive capabilities and keeping them mentally and physically fit. Come to us near to Vienna and watch some of our scientific activities and interactions with the wolves. Within the last five years the WSC has developed into the only research institution with a sufficient number of wolves and dogs to address a multitude of questions in a scientifically sound way. With over 40 000m² of enclosures and a number of other facilities it is also the biggest wolf and dog research facility worldwide.